Tips to Drink More Water

6 Tips to Drink More Water

Drinking more water is often cited as a top tip for weight loss, and with good reason. It enables your body to function better, releases water weight, helps to fill you up, and is calorie-free.

While the recommended amount of water to drink each day ranges from eight glasses to a gallon, we should all be drinking more. Here are some great tips for drinking more water.

1. Drink Up First Thing

Make it a part of your morning routine to go to the kitchen and drink a tall glass of water first thing. The water will fill you up and get things going to prevent bloating. It will also wake up your body and help you burn more calories by giving your metabolism a jump-start.

2. Carry A Bottle With You

Keeping hydrated with water is great for glowing skin, sparkling eyes, and healthy skin, making you even more beautiful. Make sure you have a bottle of water in your bag all the time, as water is also a great weight loss booster, helping you to feel full and stopping thirst from masquerading as hunger.

This is a great habit to get into, as you will be able to take sips from your bottle when you’re on the go and fill up when you’re at work or home. Once you get used to it, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without having a supply of water on you at all times.

3. Tea Counts Too

If you feel like a change from water or fancy something warming, tea also counts towards your water quota for the day. As long as you skip the sugar, it can have added weight loss benefits, too.

These days, supermarkets have so many varieties of teas, from mandarin-flavored green tea to fragrant oolong tea, that you’ll be spoilt for choice when finding your favorite. Next time you’re at a coffee house, opt for a specialty tea infused with delicious flavors like coconut or cinnamon and enjoy a calorie-free beverage instead of a diet-destroying coffee with all the works.

4. Before And During Meals

Drink a glass of water about twenty minutes before every meal to calm hunger pangs and help you feel fuller so that you don’t arrive at your meal over-hungry and eat too quickly.

You should also have a glass of water on the table while you’re eating and a big jug of water to fill up your glass when it’s empty as this will help you to eat slower, fill you up more as you eat, and also aid digestion.

5. Get Fruity

Adding fruit to your water makes things more interesting; a slice of lemon gives a great citrusy flavor, but how about some frozen berries instead of ice cubes for a fun way to cool your water? Or, pretend it’s cocktail hour by adding some mint and lime to soda water! A hint of fruity sweetness in your water is a great way to reduce cravings and stop mindless snacking.

6. Keep Water In Sight

Studies have shown that slimmer people tend to have healthy foods like fruit out on show in the kitchen, while overweight people’s kitchens are more likely to have unhealthy food on display, showing that we tend to consume what we are more likely to see in front of us.

Use this knowledge to your advantage. Keep water at the front of the fridge. Make sure to have a bottle of water on clear display on your desk, plus another one next to your bed and one on the coffee table for when you’re relaxing.

We all know that drinking more water is essential for our health and is one of the keys to successful weight loss, and although it can be hard getting into the habit, by following these tips, you’ll be glugging away all day long in no time!

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